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Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Computer Fundamental


1. Introduction to Compuer

-The word "computer" originated from the latin word "computare" which means to count or to calculate. The word calculates means to find out the result of some operation on a number of values.

- The computer is electronic machine that accepts input from the user and process it into meaningful information as output. It accepts raw from the user and processes to produce information.

-A computer can be defined as a multipurpose, programmable, electronic data processing device that is capable of accepting intput; processing it and producing a refined data as output. It works faster than human and can perform any task at same speed. A computer can also perform the same task again and again without making any mistakes. A computer can produce 100% accuracy. It gives wrong result only if the wrong input is given to the computer called GIGO. GIGO stands for Garbage in and Garbage Out. 


Working Principle of Computer 


It is also known as IPO cycleA computer needs input to do any task. A user gives input to the computer and computer starts processing to give desired result.  The result given by a computer after processing is known as output. In this way these three steps repeat in every task of a computer. That's why it is called IPO cycle. 

Input : The command or instruction given to a computer to do any kinds of task is called input. Without input, a computer cannot perform any task. It requires input for each and every task. We uses some kinds of input devices to give instruction to the computer such as keyboard, mouse, touch pad, etc.

Processing : The central processing unit (CPU) is the "brain" of the computer. It performs calculations, executes instructions, and manages the flow of data within the computer system. The CPU fetches instructions from the computer's memory and executes them, manipulating data according to the instructions.

Output :  After processing the input data, the computer produces output through various output devices like monitors, printers, speakers, or network connections. Output can be in the form of text, images, audio, video, or any other format that can be perceived by users.


Basic Functions of A Computer

Computers perform various functions to process, store, and manipulate data. Here are some of the basic functions of a computer:

  1. Input: Computers can accept data and instructions from various input devices, such as keyboards, mice, scanners, microphones, and touchscreens. This allows users to provide information and commands to the computer.

  2. Processing: Computers process the input data using the central processing unit (CPU), which performs calculations, executes instructions, and controls the overall operation of the computer. It carries out tasks based on the instructions provided by the software.

  3. Storage: Computers have the capability to store data for later use. They typically have two main types of storage: primary storage (RAM) and secondary storage (hard drives, solid-state drives, etc.). Primary storage is volatile and used for temporary data, while secondary storage is non-volatile and retains data even when the computer is powered off.

  4. Output: Computers can display processed information or results to users through various output devices, such as monitors, printers, speakers, and projectors. These devices present the data in a human-readable or perceivable format.

  5. Data Manipulation: Computers can perform operations on data, including calculations, sorting, searching, and transforming information based on predefined algorithms. This enables tasks like mathematical calculations, data analysis, image processing, video editing, and more.

  6. Networking and Communication: Computers can connect to networks, allowing them to communicate and share information with other computers, servers, or devices. This enables activities like internet browsing, email communication, file sharing, and accessing remote resources.

  7. Software Execution: Computers run software programs or applications that perform specific tasks or provide functionalities. These programs can range from operating systems (e.g., Windows, macOS, Linux) to productivity tools, multimedia applications, games, and more.

  8. Control and Automation: Computers are used for controlling and automating various processes and systems. They can be integrated into industrial machinery, robotic systems, home automation systems, and control other devices to perform tasks automatically.


    Features of Computer

    Computers are versatile machines that offer a wide range of features and capabilities. Here are some of the key features of computers:
    1.Speed: Computers can perform tasks much faster than humans. They can execute billions of calculations per second, allowing for quick processing of data and efficient performance of tasks.

     2.Storage Capacity: Computers can store vast amounts of data. With advancements in storage technology, modern computers have terabytes or even petabytes of storage space, enabling the storage of large files, documents, multimedia content, and databases.

    4. Automation: Computers can automate repetitive tasks, saving time and effort. They can execute predefined sequences of instructions, perform batch operations, and schedule tasks, reducing manual intervention and increasing productivity.
    5. Accuracy: Computers perform calculations and operations with a high degree of accuracy. They eliminate human errors and provide precise results, making them suitable for tasks that require precise calculations, data analysis, and scientific simulations.
    6.Versatility: Computers can be used for a wide range of purposes. They can handle various applications, from word processing and graphic design to scientific research and data analysis. Their versatility makes them valuable tools in different industries and sectors.
    Application areas of Computer Computers have become integral to numerous fields and industries, empowering various applications and enhancing productivity. Here are some key application areas of computers:
    1. Business and Finance: Computers are extensively used in business and financial sectors for tasks like accounting, payroll processing, inventory management, data analysis, financial modeling, online banking, and electronic transactions.

    2. Education: Computers play a crucial role in education, supporting activities like online learning, virtual classrooms, educational software, research and data analysis, multimedia presentations, and interactive learning platforms.

    3. Healthcare: Computers are used for managing electronic health records (EHRs), medical imaging and diagnostics, patient monitoring, drug research and development, medical simulations, telemedicine, and hospital management systems.

    4. Scientific Research: Computers are indispensable in scientific research for data analysis, simulation, modeling, and computational tasks. They are used in fields like astronomy, physics, chemistry, biology, genetics, climate modeling, and bioinformatics.

    5. Communication and Social Networking: Computers enable communication through email, messaging platforms, video conferencing, and social media. They facilitate the creation and sharing of content, online communities, and networking platforms.

    6. Entertainment and Media: Computers are employed in the creation and production of digital media, including movies, TV shows, music, and video games. They also enable streaming services, digital content distribution, virtual reality experiences, and computer-generated special effects.

    7. Engineering and Design: Computers are extensively used in engineering and design fields for computer-aided design (CAD), computer-aided engineering (CAE), architectural modeling, 3D printing, product design, and simulation of complex systems.

    8. Transportation and Logistics: Computers are vital in transportation and logistics for tasks like route optimization, fleet management, inventory control, supply chain management, traffic control systems, and GPS navigation.

    9. Government and Administration: Computers are utilized in government agencies and administration for tasks such as data management, document processing, citizen services, e-governance, elections, law enforcement, and defense systems.

    10. Agriculture and Farming: Computers are increasingly used in precision agriculture for tasks like soil analysis, crop monitoring, automated irrigation systems, livestock management, and agricultural research.

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